Functions and GNU parallel for effective cluster load management

I've been a fan of GNU parallel for a long time. Initially I was sceptical about using it, preferring to write huge for loops but over time I've grown to love it. The beauty of GNU parallel is that it spawns a specified number of jobs in parallel and then submits more jobs as others are completed. This means that you get maximum usage out of the CPUs without overloading the system. There are many excuses for not using it, but perhaps the only valid one is that you have Sun Grid Engine or another job scheduler or manager in place.

GNU parallel is particularly useful when used with functions. Functions are subroutines that may be repeated many times to complete a piece of work. In bash, here is a simple example, which declares a function consisting of a chain of piped commands, and then executes 4 jobs in parallel, until all of *files.txt have been processed.

my_func2() {
cmd1 $INPUT $VAR1 | cmd2 | cmd3 > ${1}.out
export -f my_func
parallel -j4 my_func ::: *files.txt

Nice, but now for something relevant to bioinformatics. Here is a bwa mem wrapper that pulls in all fastq files in the current working directory (including gzip and bzip2 compressed) and processes them in parallel (four at any time). Because each bwa job uses 4 cores at any time, the maximum CPU usage will be 16.

bwamem() {
GZ=`echo $FQZ | grep -c '.gz$'`
BZ2=`echo $FQZ | grep -c '.bz2$'`
if [ "$GZ" -eq "1" ] ; then
FQ=`echo $FQZ | sed 's/.gz$//'`
pigz -dc $FQZ \
| $BWA mem -t $CPU $REF - \
| samtools view -uSh - \
| samtools sort - ${FQ}_bwamem.sort
elif [ "$BZ2" -eq "1" ] ; then
FQ=`echo $FQZ | sed 's/.bz2$//'`
pbzip2 -dc $FQZ \
| $BWA mem -t $CPU $REF - \
| samtools view -uSh - \
| samtools sort - ${FQ}_bwamem.sort
echo input file not compressed
FA=`head -1 $FQZ | grep -c '^>'`
FQ=`head -1 $FQZ | grep -c '^@'`
if [ "$FQ" -eq "1" -o "$FA" -eq "1" ] ; then
$BWA mem -t $CPU $REF $FQ \
| samtools view -uSh - \
| samtools sort - ${FQ}_bwamem.sort
echo Error. Unknown file format. Exiting.
samtools index ${FQ}_bwamem.sort.bam
export -f bwamem
parallel -j4 bwamem ::: *fastq.gz *fastq.bz2 *.fq *fastq

If you need to something more sophisticated, you can transfer environment variables and functions too. If you have a cluster of servers where you have ssh login without password, GNU parallel can direct jobs to those connected computers if directed. To do it, just add the name of the server to the parallel command.

parallel -j4 -S server1,server2,server3 bwamem ::: *fastq.gz

Further watching/reading:

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