ENCODE Users Meeting 2015

Just announced from the ENCODE mailing list is the workshop to analyse and make the most of ENCODE data. Attend if you can!

FW: [encode-announce] [Meeting announcement] ENCODE User's Meeting

Dear colleagues,

We would like to announce the first ENCODE User’s Meeting, which will be a 3-day workshop to learn how to navigate, analyze, use, and integrate ENCODE data. The NHGRI-sponsored meeting will be held from June 29 - July 1, 2015 at the Bolger Center in Potomac, MD.

The ENCODE project has generated 3500 datasets in human, more than 1000 datasets each in model organisms including mouse, fly and worm. It provides an extremely valuable resource of potential functional annotations of the human genome and represents an unprecedented opportunity for applications in a variety of biomedical problems. This meeting will have both scientific presentations and hands-on tutorial sessions with the goal of learning how ENCODE data has been used by the scientific community and providing opportunities to apply these tools to your own data. We will host many distinguished invited speakers and will also select talks from the submitted abstracts. In addition, this meeting will provide opportunities for scientist to interact with people familiar with ENCODE datasets and analysis and foster future collaborations.

Please sign up on the ENCODE announcement mailing list for future announcements and registration details. We look forward to seeing you at the Bolger Center at the end of June.

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