Installing pip based tools for bioinformatics
Loads of bioinformatics and data science tools are available through the `pip` package manager/installer. In days gone by, it was possible to type somethinig like pip install mytool --user to get a tool installed, but due to changes this isn't possible anymore. When you try a command like that on Ubuntu 24, you will get an error and suggestion to use a virtual environment (or "venv"). While there is a lot of in depth documentation on using venv, I couldn't find a quick start guide specifically foir bioinformaticians. Quickly, a virtual environment is an isolated environment which should help by stabilising the base python version and the package version, so there isn't a chance of problems from version mismatch. So here is a quick guide to install the MultiQC tool, used extensively in genome sequence analysis. Install multiqc via pip The first step is to create a folder to put your venvs (you will likely have several if you do a lot of analysis). mkdir ~/venv Next...