
Showing posts from October, 2024

Screen for mycoplasma contamination in DNA-seq and RNA-seq data: Part 2

If you're culturing cells, avoiding contamination is an extremely important priority. Mycoplasma are common contaminant that can change the behaviour of cells and don't cause any obvious morphological changes, so routine testing is key. As bioinformaticians we should be incorporating myco screening into all our workflows, but the available tools haven't been that great. Even the shell script I wrote in a previous blog post isn't that great. It suffers from a few problems in miscounting reads, usability and leaving many files in the working directory. So it is high time for a refresh. With this refresh, the idea was to make a command line tool that folks could easily incorporate into their workflows, would process single- and paired-end data, be quick and be concise in its output. The result is `contam`. To give you an idea of what it can do, here is the help page: contam is a script for the quantification of contaminant sequences in Illumina short read sequence data i