Read counting with featureCounts, BedTools and HTSeq
Counting the number of reads that align to certain genomic features is a key element of many next gen sequencing analysis pipelines. For RNA-seq, this is commonly used to count reads aligning to exons, while for ChIP-seq this is used to count reads over a promoter or other region of interest. There are several available tools for performing this task and in this post I will compare the three of the most commonly used: bedtools multicov htseq-count featureCounts I took one of the bam files from the recent RNA-seq series of posts and subsampled it using samtools and shuf into file sizes of 1M, 2M, 5M, 10M reads, as well as the bam file containing 25.4M reads. I then used the benchmarking script described in the previous post to record execution time, CPU usage and peak memory for read counting to generate a gene-wise matrix. I used featureCounts in the single thread mode as well as the parallel mode (maximum of 8 cores). Execution time for read counting...