
Showing posts from September, 2016

Gene name error scanner webservice

Over the past few weeks, we've had a lot of feedback about our paper describing the sorry state of Excel auto-correct errors in supplemental files in spreadsheets. In our group, we've discussed a number of ways that these errors could be minimised in future. One suggestion was to publish a webservice which permits reviewers and editors to upload and scan spreadsheets for the presence of gene name errors. So that's what I did. I took some basic file upload code in php and customised it so that it runs the shell script described in the paper. You can access the webservice here . We've been testing it for a few days and seems to work fine, except for the auto-generated email which I presume is being blocked by our IT group. Upload spreadsheets and have them scanned for gene name errors. The code for the webservice is up at GitHub , so you can modify it and host another instance if you want. The code should run on Ubuntu machines that can run Apache2, php and o...