Running many GSEA analyses using a simple Bash wrapper script
In my previous posts, I've recommended using GSEA pre-ranked for performing pathway analysis through the graphical user interface. If you have a more elaborate experiment with several sample groups and a few different gene set libraries to analyse, then you'll find that process quite tedious. So in this post, I'd like to share with you my GSEA wrapper written in bash to make this process a bit easier. The wrapper script simply accepts two user defined arguments, the rank file and the gmt file. Take note that this works only when the gene IDs are already gene symbols. If you have probe IDs or some other type of accession number, then you'll need to convert them to gene symbols or use a "chip file". The rank files and GMT files need to be in the current directory. You may need to adjust the memory up or down depending on your machine spec and the memory required for your jobs. #!/bin/bash RNK=$1 GMT=$2 java -Xmx4096m -cp /path/to/gsea2-2.2.1.jar xtools.g...